Hi, my name is Bastien Labelle.

I'm a full stack developer. I've been creating cool stuff on the web for over two decades.

Bastien Labelle

Photo credit: Josh Forrester / Liquid Lens

Surfing the web.
Surfing the waves.

Not necessarily in that order…

I was born in the mid-80s, and during my junior high years in the late 90s, I created my first website. This was during the early stages of the World Wide Web, and I have since managed to stay on the cutting edge of tech. I graduated from University Toulouse I with a degree in computer science/IT, and for more than 10 years, I have been working as a full-stack developer for companies such as Overblog and Hellocoton.

When I am not sitting behind a computer screen, I enjoy photography (I also offer commissioned photography services), skateboarding, and skiing. However, my greatest passion is surfing. Nothing compares to the exhilarating feeling of riding perfect waves with friends.

Some of my clients

Websites, web apps, commissionned photography

Let's collaborate together.

I might be available for your next project.

Drop me a line



On demand


Seignosse, FR